Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Campbell is sick

My lil man had a headache on the way home from Carter's carline today. He really started wailing so I knew something was wrong. Well just as we rounded the corner into our neighborhood, he threw up all over the back of the van. Bless his heart. Well the smell was instant. So Carter and I hung our heads out of the windows until we got home. James was kind enough to clean and disinfect my van and contents. I took Camp inside the house, got him bathed, teeth brushed, etc. He was fine for a few hours and then puked again. He ate a popsicle and kept it down. For dinner I gave him toast, ginger ale, and soup. He was ok but tired until bedtime. He crashed immediately. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beginning to Blog

Ok, so my mom wants me to write a book about the daily trials and tribulations of being a stay at home mom. Not so sure anyone would be interested in a book about such things so I figured I'd at least start out by blogging. I wrote in "diaries" as a child and graduated to "journals" later in life. I guess I've got to "get with the times" and blog. I thought I took a great leap just setting up a Facebook account. AND let me tell you, that thing is very addictive! We'll see if I have time to enlighted readers daily with my ramblings:) Enjoy!